– Various sex statistics are now displayed on the back of the Trainer Card. – A new wardrobe system has been introduced, allowing you to be in various states of undress. – Piloswine and Teddiursa lines illustrated ( thanks to Jill Ashford ). – Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Meowth line, Psyduck line, Clefairy line, Poliwag line, Gastly line, Wooper line, Cubone line, Pinsir line, Lileep line, Seedot line, Electabuzz, Magmar, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Geodude, Goldeen, Abra, Jynx, and Dratini illustrated ( thanks to MelvMelvTheMelv ). – Riolu illustrated ( thanks to Amonrisaey ). – The skies have reportedly darkened at times over the abandoned Power Plant near Route 12. – A masked man terrorizes Inngoers in Marigold City. – When following, Jamie will run along with the player. – The Name Rater is back home in Yarrow City. – Trainers beware! There are reports of naked travelers being attacked by wild alpha Pokémon! – Fixed tree collision in Wintercress Town. – Updated the chart of illustrated Pokémon.

In the meanwhile, I think most people would want more gameplay or events. At some point, I’ll be able to dedicate a release entirely to giving Pokémon illustrations and I’ll be able to revisit these ones. To address some concerns: Due to the sheer amount, I’m grateful when people have offered to illustrate a few.
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The focus of this update pokemon ecchi shall be adding new playable content to Marigold City and its surroundings.